AnalogX DLLArchive is a system utility that helps you manage DLL files, which are sometimes left over on your computer after a utility has been uninstalled. A DLL file (dynamic-link library) is a shared library, a type of file that most Windows applications use. Dynamic linking means that the code shared by different programs is placed in a single file, which each utility calls into action at their respective run time.
When you uninstall applications, DLL files sometimes remain on your computer, because they are shared resources. What AnalogX DLLArchive aims at is to checks the files on your computer to see if any of them have references to a certain DLL file. After performing a search on your computer, the utility will display what loose DLL files are present in the system, and yet lack their appropriate reference among your applications. The output list will, therefore, contain files that are most likely unused, and are kept on your computer for no purpose. Nevertheless, the accuracy of the results is not guaranteed. For this reason, it is you who should ultimately select which files will be archived, and then verify that the applications on your computer are still working properly. Only if the system verification goes well should you move to the next step, namely that of deleting the archived files.
To conclude with, AnalogX DLLArchive is a utility that will help you identify what DLL files on your computer are no longer needed, and thus, it can help you improve your system's performance. Nevertheless, its output offers few guarantees for accuracy, which makes it more difficult to use and not quite reliable.